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时间:2015-05-11 04:25 古代文学 古代头饰 动物头饰



headgear headwear tire



By people"s headwear we can easily pick out that they immigrate from different cities.


The stereotyping of Native American peoples continues unabated into the new century and,if teachers and administrators are not aware and vigilant,will persist in our schools.Such stereotypes concern:
* Language--Native Americans are described using such terms as "ugh" and "how," or speaking in broken English,as in this example from The Indian in the Cupboard (Banks,1980,p.29):"I better.You not better.You still big.You stop eat.Get right size."
* Homes--Children often believe that all Indians lived (and still live) in tipis,the traditional home of the plains Nations.Teachers sometimes try to counter this misrepresentation by studying other types of traditional dwellings,but this still leaves young children unable to fathom that Native Americans of today live in houses,apartments,and condos.
* Dress--Stereotypes transform all Native Americans into the attire of historical plains Nations,complete with buckskin and feathered headdresses.Teachers reinforce this stereotype by having children make headdresses or introducing books into the classroom that show children dressing up in headdresses.

*语言---土著美国人被描述成使用 “啊”和“如何”这样的短语 或者说蹩脚的英语,比如《魔柜小奇兵》(班克斯,1980年,第29页)这本书里的例子 :“我好,你不是很好.您还大.你停止吃饭.获得好的身材.“



Mr.Fox and Mr .Hare
One day ,Mr Fox comes to Mr Hare"s house and says ,“Come with me quickly.Goose has eggs.Come and see them.”
Mr.Hare says,“No,I won’t go ,I’ll sit here.”
“You are lazy.”Mr.Fox says.
“Yes,I’m lazy.”Mr.Hare says.
Mr.Fox says,“Could you sit on my back and ride?”
Mr.Hare is happy.“I will ride on you back.”
Mr.Hare rides on Mr.Fox’s back , and Mr.Fox goes down the lane. Mrs.Goose is coming up the lane.Mr.Hare sees Mrs.Goose and says, “Look, Mr. Fox is my donkey. I’m riding on his back.”
Mr.Fox quarrels with Mr.Hear.“ I ’m not your donkey.”Mr.hare says,“Don’t quarrel with me.You are my donkey.Look,I am riding on your back.”
Then Mr.Fox jumps and throws Mr.Hare from his back, and Mr .Hare falls on the ground.
Mr.Hare goes quickly and hides himself in a hole in a tree.It is not a big hole. Mr. Fox comes to the hole and sees Mr.Hare in the hole.
Mr.Fox says ,“I’ll catch you ,Mr.Hare.”
“Come in and catch me .”Says Mr,Hare.
Mr.Fox can’t go into the hole.Mr.Fos is big ,and the hole is small.
Mr.Fox says ,“I’ll go to my house and get an axe. Then I’ll come and make the hole bigger with the axe.” .
Mr.Fox says to Mrs. Goose,“Mr.Hare is in this hole .You sit here .Don’t let Mr.Hare come out . I’ll go to my house and get an axe.”
Mrs.Goose sit near the hole Mr.Fox goes to his house.
Then Mr.Hare says,“Mrs Goose! Mrs.Gaoose!”
“What is it?”says Mrs Goosse .
Mr.Hare says ,“There is a little hole at the back of the tree ,and there is a little bread in it. Ican see the bit of bread, but Ican’t get it. Come to the back of the tree and see.”
Then Mrs.Goose goes to the back of the tree to get the bit of bread, and Mr.Hare comes quickly out of the hole in the front of the tree and goes home.
Mr.Fox comes back from his house. He has an axe in his hand, He asks Mrs.Goose,“Is Mr.Hare in the hole?”
Mrs.G oose says,“Yes,he is in the hole. Look,I’m sitting here, near the hole.”
Then Mr.Fox makes the hole bigger with his axe. But he doesn’t see Mr.Hare in the hole. Mr.Fox shouts,“Mr.Hare isn’t in the hole! Why isn’t he in the hole ? Why?”
Mrs.Goose says,“He is in the hole.”
Mr.Fox says,“He is not !”
“He is in .”
“He is not in!”
Then Mr. Fox and Mrs.Goose begin to quarrel.
Mr.Hare sits in his house on the hill. He sees them quarrelling.



The teacher please six children,and put on the animal head ornaments to the baby.The teacher gives the instruction,after the baby hears the instruction,makes the corresponding movement.For example:The lion squats down,the dog gets up stands.



Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration,Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peace -- and blessings from China -- to children all over the world.
Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends,Fuwa also embody the natural characteristics of four of China"s most popular animals -- the Fish,the Panda,the Tibetan Antelope,the Swallow--and the Olympic Flame.
Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name--a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China.Beibei is the Fish,Jingjing is the Panda,Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame,Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.
When you put their names together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni -- they say "Welcome to Beijing," offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Olympic Games.
Fuwa also embody both the landscape and the dreams and aspirations of people from every part of the vast country of China.In their origins and their headpieces,you can see the five elements of nature -- the sea,forest,fire,earth and sky -- all stylistic rendered in ways that represent the deep traditional influences of Chinese folk art and ornamentation.



英文: Halloween on October the thriller, "hello" magical powers over the October of hangzhou paradise. Hangzhou paradise rejects
五大惊悚魔幻 全城万圣狂欢 玩转东京迪斯尼大奖



Five million revelers thriller the holy magic in Tokyo Disneyland city-building awards
Halloween on October the thriller, "hello"
The October magic power over hangzhou paradise. Hangzhou paradise absolute Halloween, lit the thriller, feel the passion holy carnival million new experience, challenge limit nerve fantasy, family, let you spend PK interaction as a terrorist and humorous deep joy absolute Halloween. Halloween is absolutely year 2009 hangzhou paradise three themes of last season, the activities of the three festivals here on the final year celebration, will ultimately elected Tokyo Disneyland awards lucky winner.
Five "jing" point city-building hangzhou paradise Halloween
The "jing" point: two big performance comprehensive upgrade.
"Hell bride" and "ghosts" new upgrade, patrol large domestic top movie stunt company specially. This year two large performance stage makeup modelling and arrangement and actor, especially invited the most famous movie stunt company comprehensively, multi-text, "the volunteer, QianNv wights", "giant" such as they are classic large industry stunts. But this year than last year the ghosts of large parade of Halloween parade will vary greatly. The parade will be huge, actors will more rich, cruise will be more novelty items, magic, and tourists are more active and lively interactive. Real film effects will take you into a double between heaven and hell.
The "jing" at 2: four games all ages.
"Playing ghost big PK" and "carved pumpkin lantern", "Halloween pumpkins wishing tree", "I have an appointment with zombies -- ghosts photo show", the whole family interactions hello. Picture "face", "spirits," show "ghost", see whether you are in the "most visitors to you?" If you want to make a wish, then use your sincere heart desire, write down and put it into the pumpkin, wishing tree WangJieKe pumpkins in realizing your holy night million wish oh!
The "jing" point three million holy city, grand atmosphere.
In October of hangzhou paradise for a Halloween magic will incarnate the city, more than ten wonderful new packaging, roller coaster rides "gouhun train", incarnate the devil incarnate "free fall, pirate incarnation elevator" ghost ship, "UFO" reincarnate "ET return... Let you personally experience unusual adventure.
The "jing" point four: tourists role-playing, ghost horse elves were together.
In hangzhou paradise absolute Halloween visitors will receive a special Halloween headwear, take it into memory ShengMo million city of illusion, you will get the "holy paradise treasure, officially became a member of the city of magic, begin your journey of illusion. ShengMo million, If you have enough courage enough wisdom, then add the holy city of the expedition million treasure team a chance to win through the whole season Tokyo Disneyland prizes!
The "jing" point five: the magical forest "brilliant.
During 11 golden weeks, hangzhou paradise was introduced particularly very popular children"s first real Chinese acrobatics show the magical fairy tale forest ". The use of difficult acrobatics, such as beautiful air ballet, the air DiaoZi, shaking, skating, man, clad in springboard, hang dish, etc, excellent performance, plus elegant artistic clothing, the props, vivid deduced in magical forest a cat mouse war of pantomime, let your trip ShengMo million illusion.【头饰英文】


银饰 作为一种文化现象在 上曾被许多民族青睐,成为多元 文化 交流的载体之一.在这一载体中,融合有来自南方 少数民族 的 耳档 ,起源于北方少数民族的“跳脱”,以及从古代饰物中沿袭而来的 “ 步摇 ”、“五兵佩”和中国传统的龙、凤、 鳞 纹样等等.进入苗族社会的银饰决不单纯表现为某个民族专有的艺术形态,而是一个不折不扣的混合体.苗族银饰可分头饰、 颈饰 、胸饰、手饰、盛装饰和童帽饰等,都是由苗族男性银铁匠精心做成,据说已有400多年历史.苗族银饰以其多样的品种、奇美的造型和精巧的工艺,不仅向人们呈现了一个瑰丽多彩的艺术世界,而且也展示出一个有着丰富内涵的精神世界.苗族银饰的种类较多,从头到脚,无处不饰.除头饰、胸颈饰、手饰、衣饰、背饰、腰坠饰外,个别地方还有脚饰.
关 键 词:苗族服饰 装饰物 文化内涵

Silver as a cultural phenomenon in the history of many ethnic groups have been favored to become the carrier of one of cultural pluralism.In this vector,the integration of ethnic minorities from the S...


