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时间:2014-11-17 19:45 励志演讲 科比开讲了观后感



Classmate:hello!The Black Mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes,why do I take this name?Because I once entered the stadium,I"m deadly,like the black mamba.So there I can make fun of,but once I entered the stadium,I would like to change a person,be absorbed in the court.I am 35 years old,is reached after the half occupation career,like this is it is quite common for the wounded.Once injured,you feel the world stopped,whether injured knee,shoulder injury etc..I know a lot of people so that the entire occupation career is ruined,and some people even unable to get up after a fall,can"t even return.When that moment,I will look at yourself in the mirror and say,"Kobe,what would you do?If you experience this pain will you?"You know that every time I see someone injured,I met a lot of people do not come back after the injury,I looked at myself in the mirror to oneself said," is it right?Should quit?Is it right?Should stop playing?"I don"t know myself can also return.I"m here to tell you,I want to completely recovered and returned to the stadium.But I wouldn"t bet on it,because a lot of the time I also have doubt,but I think,this is to meet the challenges of significance.To seize every opportunity,to all the witnesses to prove yourself,that you can meet the challenge.To those who say you can never succeed,you will fail to prove,this is my opinion.If someone says to you of the injury,to be unable to get up after a fall,for me,if somebody this injury may quit,but Kobe can"t.People say that you can not,I would say,you so that you may exit.So I must prove to them,especially to those who support me,love of my fans,I must win,to win the pain,will be able to return.In order to let all of the doubters think again,what will become impossible possible.The importance of these scars embodied in this,these scars is my growth transition of.As a player,I was born with a passion is to succeed,want to win.At the same time is also the most difficult thing in life is the most important thing.As a player,go up to meet the greatest challenge to the stadium,I think the biggest challenge is to get the people to become as one,constantly,constantly victory,this is the biggest challenge of team sports,this is also my passion.For me,the most important thing is to continue to meet the challenge,but never fear challenges is very important.But more important is to keep curiosity about things,such as how to play better,how to improve skills,how to learn from them.Actually I have been looking for me from the aspects of motivation factors,not just from Michael Jordan,from the magician Erwin Johnson,also from Michael Jackson,Beethoven,Da Vinci,Bruce Lee,these great people gave me encouragement,let me go,so this is the black mamba"s spirit.Does not mean that you should continue to attack others,but you must never stop the pace of progress.Life is a continuous learning knowledge has no limit.,so it is very important.Do you want to continue learning,learning,learning,and others,understanding,learning,and not think you know everything.Only in this way,you can become a better person,your skills in order to further improve the.Finally,there will be a byproduct,become a champion,a better myself.For me this is the black mamba"s spirit,at the root of my spirit.So if I can pass on the spirit to all of you,whatever you want to do,to become a basketball player,a writer or host,no matter what you dream,you must adhere to dream,learn from the successful experience and knowledge of the former body,successful people from all walks of life,their body there are some features that make them successful,talent showing itself,this is just what I want to transfer to the positive energy you.



Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school.His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up.The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game,as his dad was former NBA forward,Joe Bryant.Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father,helping his mission to become a professional basketball player.He worked daily on his game,watching video,playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father.
When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia,Kobe was a highly touted recruit.He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this.Kobe didn"t let anybody down either,as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year.He wouldn"t immediately be a superstar,though.Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe"s talents.
Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough,he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level.He sold out the games everywhere he played during his junior and senior years and he didn"t disappoint anyone.He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school.






  6.2009年2月3日 科比拿到61分 湖人在客场以126-117战胜尼克斯


我最崇拜的人 作文









科比 英语演讲短文
内容:科比.布莱恩特是我最喜欢的NBA球星 他效力于洛杉矶湖人队 许多人叫他黑曼巴 科比是一个非常执着的人 他非常热爱篮球,也非常努力.现在 科比已经有了5枚总冠军戒指和两次总决赛MVP我认为他已经超过了篮球之神迈克尔 乔丹!求翻译 急用!

Kobe Bryant is my favorite NBA star,he plays for the Los Angeles lakers,many people call him black mamba.kobe Bryant is a very clinging person,he loves basketball very muchu,and he works very hard...Now,he has won five championship rings and two NBA finals MVP,I think he has already surpassed the basketball gods Michael Jordan!


老师叫写 《 我的偶像.》 我准备写科比 300字左右

开始可以先写下科比怎么在这个宇宙第一的球场上叱诧风云,包括他拿81分.还有NBA总决赛最后一场的第4节还剩0.4秒,湖人队落后马刺队2分 所有洛杉矶湖人队的球迷都感到绝望,科比的队友垂头丧气已经做好了回家的准备.科比坐在板凳上 他沉默不语 可是他没有放弃 他抬起头来 眼中有一股燃烧的火焰.科比站了起来 他的背影如此的高大、强壮.洛杉矶人多了一份安全感,可是这有何用呢?比赛只有0.4秒,想要在这0.4秒得分 这简直是不可能.科比把所有人叫过来 轻声说了一句,然后裁判吹响了哨声,比赛开始.加索尔发球,科比跑到了最底线的位置,马刺队的球员知道 科比一定会投出最后一球,派出了两名队员防守他.加索尔还是把球闪电般的传到科比手上,科比出手了.所有人都盯着他投出的球,科比的姿势如黑曼巴蛇一样敏捷,优雅.他的球在空中画出完美的弧线.球进了!进了!0.4秒完成的绝杀………………
我知道0.4秒绝杀马刺是老鱼 反正自己可以瞎编的么,写作文么都是辩的,你又不是写记实 如果你们老师看NBA的话,你可以顺便跟他聊聊么.呵呵.字数不够的话你可以写些 自己很热爱打篮球,但是却打不好,想放弃了.后来听了科比一些立志的话 好象心中有一种科比精神 然后对篮球不放弃干吗干吗的.【开讲啦,科比】


我敬佩的一个人 作文



我最喜欢的明星是科比,上个赛季的MVP,我已经支持他七年了,一路走来,我见证了科比凤凰涅盘的过程,对此我也十分自豪.我喜欢他不仅仅因为他得技术和他的成就,更多源于他得自信,执着,以及对胜利的渴望;记得有记者曾经把科比说成下一个乔丹,科比的回答是“我不回成为乔丹二世 我要做的是成为科比一世” 正是科比这种舍我其谁的霸气造和从不服输的精神使他成为美国乃至全世界球迷心中的神.在08年奥运会上,众星云集,体坛的各路明星都纷纷齐聚北京,然而令全世界媒体感到惊讶的是科比竟然是除了东道主中国队意外最受欢迎的运动员,这点连他自己都惊讶不已,这是目前科比人气的一种体现.我十分期待正处于职业生涯巅峰得科比带给我们这些球迷更多的惊喜;

我最喜欢的明星是科比,上个赛季的MVP,我已经支持他七年了,一路走来,我见证了科比凤凰涅盘的过程,对此我也十分自豪.我喜欢他不仅仅因为他得技术和他的成就,更多源于他得自信,执着,以及对胜利的渴望;记得有记者曾经把科比说成下一个乔丹,科比的回答是“我不回成为乔丹二世 我要做的是成为科比一世” 正是科比这种舍我其谁的霸气造和从不服输的精神使他成为美国乃至全世界球迷心中的神.在08年奥运会上,众星云集,体坛的各路明星都纷纷齐聚北京,然而令全世界媒体感到惊讶的是科比竟然是除了东道主中国队意外最受欢迎的运动员,这点连他自己都惊讶不已,这是目前科比人气的一种体现.我十分期待正处于职业生涯巅峰得科比带给我们这些球迷更多的惊喜;
My favorites are star Kobe,last season"s MVP,I have to support him for seven years,along the way,I witnessed the process of Kobe Phoenix Nirvana,and I am also very proud of that.I like him because he had not only his achievements in technology and more from him too self-confident,persistent,and the desire to win; remember a reporter once put Kobe as the next Jordan,Kobe"s answer is "I do not back Jordan II,I need to do is to become Kobe I "Kobe is who but myself can do this from the aggressive building and admit defeat the spirit of the United States made him the hearts of fans all over the world and even God.In the 2008 Olympics,star line-up,the various sports stars have gathered in Beijing,however,the media all over the world was surprised that Kobe is even apart from the host Chinese team"s most popular athletes in the accident,which even he himself surprised,this is a reflection of popular Kobe.I very much look forward to is at the peak of his career was brought to us Kobe fans more of these surprises.