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时间:2014-11-02 12:54 外语翻译 pauwells角


In 1901,H.G.Wells,an English writer,wrote a book describing a trip to the moon.When the explorers landed on the
moon,they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities.They expressed their surprise to the"moon people"
they met.In turn,the"moon people"expressed their surprise."Why," they asked,"are you traveling to outer space when
you don"t even use your inner space?"
H.G.Wells could only imagine travel to the moon,In 1969,human beings really did land on the moon.People today know
that there are no underground cities on the moon.However,the question that the"moon people"asked is still an interesting
one.A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.
Underground systems are already in place.Many cities have underground car parks.In some cities,such as ToKyo,Seoul and
Montreal,there are large underground shopping areas.The"Channel",a tunnel connecting English and France,is now
But what about underground cities?Japan"s Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground system,call"Alice Cities".
The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats,offices,shopping,and so on.
A solar dome would cover the whole city.
Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to ues the earth"s space.
The surface,they say,can be used for farms,parks,gardens,and wilderness.H.G.Wells""moon people"would agree.
Would you?
好难看啊 弄通顺点啊!



In 1901, H. G Wells, an English writer, wrote a book_______ a trip to the moon.    
[     ]
A. describe                      
B. described    
C. describing                      
D. to describe  




If we don’t end war,war will end us--H.G【h,g,wells】

If we dont end war,war will end us." - H.G.Wells""如果我们不结束战争,战争会结束我们.“-H?威尔斯”


In 1897,H.G.Wells wrote a science fiction book about spaceships coming to Earth .为什么这句话中的come要用ing形式?

分析句子成分,开头是时间状语,主语H.G.Wells,谓语wrote,宾语a science fiction book about spaceships,那后面的coming to Earth 在句中就不是主谓宾的任何成分,看他前面紧跟的是spaceships,那也就是说coming引导的是一个定语从句,修饰spaceships,这里的ing表示的是主动,也就是主动来到地球的宇宙飞船,所以不能用原型,只能用ing形式.


The Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.It is small,red and cold.No one believes anything lives there—until the first spaceship lands on the earth.
At first,people welcome Martians to visit the earth,but finally they find out that they come to conquer the planet!They"re verysmart,an they have terrifying machines.Is the earth ready for"the war of the worlds"?Read"The War of the Worlds"to find out the answer.The ending will surprise you.
This is a very popular science fiction written by British write H.G Wells.The action is exciting.The story moves quickly.Though the book was set in England in 1898,today"s readers still have much in common with this book.
Other easy books in"Bullseye Step into Classics"series also can take you on a great reading trip!Look for books such as"Little Women"and "The Time Machine".Read them all!They are great for beginners in English.

这是一部非常受欢迎的科幻小说,英国的 H.G 违尔斯写的.这场战斗非常精彩.故事进展的非常快.虽然早在1898年就出了这本小说,但是现在仍然有很从读者.其它的一些"Bullseye Step into Classics"系列的书也能带给你一段快乐的阅读旅途.寻找一些像"小妇人"和"时光机"的书.都阅读它们.它们会给英语初学者有很大的帮助.



The Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.It is small,red and cold.No one believes anything lives there—until the first spaceship lands on the earth.
At first,people welcome Martians to visit the earth,but finally they find out that they come to conquer the planet!They"re verysmart,an they have terrifying machines.Is the earth ready for"the war of the worlds"?Read"The War of the Worlds"to find out the answer.The ending will surprise you.
This is a very popular science fiction written by British write H.G Wells.The action is exciting.The story moves quickly.Though the book was set in England in 1898,today"s readers still have much in common with this book.
Other easy books in"Bullseye Step into Classics"series also can take you on a great reading trip!Look for books such as"Little Women"and "The Time Machine".Read them all!They are great for beginners in English.
这是一部非常受欢迎的科幻小说,英国的 H.G 违尔斯写的.这场战斗非常精彩.故事进展的非常快.虽然早在1898年就出了这本小说,但是现在仍然有很从读者.其它的一些"Bullseye Step into Classics"系列的书也能带给你一段快乐的阅读旅途.寻找一些像"小妇人"和"时光机"的书.都阅读它们.它们会给英语初学者有很大的帮助.


students study the theory of communism in school.they know that it was created and popularized by marx and engels.they know that it advocates putting the stste"s needs above the individual"s needs.they konw mang of the russian leaders--like stalin,khrushchev and gorbachev.they also know that,to many people"s way of thinking,communism is a failed philosophy;if nothing else,it has proven that people are too selfish to conform to a system based on altruism.
what they may not realize is that,in late 1890"s,many great european and american thinkers adamantly advocated communism.this was a time during which one could see class division taking place.at that time,people generally fit into one of two categories;either they were rich,or striving to be rich,or they were dirt poor.the poor desired to be rich,and the rich had no desire ti come into ang contact with the poor.communism offered a wayout for the poor at the expense of wealthy;classlessness offered a hopeful future for many.
take,for example,british author H.G.Wells,one ofthe first science fiction writers,wrote the time machine with the tenets of communism firmly in mind.the time machine warns about what will happen if society continues to split into two factions--the rich and the poverty-stricken.the book shows the poverty-stricken folk class finally rising up and taking revenge upon the rich.by contrast,wells argues,communism,with its classless society,offers a muchmore hopeful future.
another writer who favored communism was american author john steinbeck.in his the grapes of wrath,for example,he sets up a story in which poverty-stricken folk are offered a dream--the american dream--that will never come ture for them.steinbeck holds capitalism accountable for the povery and despair that exists in the world.he does this by depicting the horrible events that befall the Joad family on their wang to fing work in california.bankers take over their farm.their car break down,and salesmen try ti gym them out of their cash.the Joad cant"t find work in california because there is always someone willings to work at a lower wage.all of these trauman,steinbeck insinuates,will come ture under capoitalism.steinbeck offers only one harmonious event for Joads;a camp that runs on the principles of communism.



Bullseye Step into Classics 什么意思~
The Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.It is small,red and cold.No one believes anything lives there—until the first spaceship lands on the earth.
At first,people welcome Martians to visit the earth,but finally they find out that they come to conquer the planet!They"re verysmart,an they have terrifying machines.Is the earth ready for"the war of the worlds"?Read"The War of the Worlds"to find out the answer.The ending will surprise you.
This is a very popular science fiction written by British write H.G Wells.The action is exciting.The story moves quickly.Though the book was set in England in 1898,today"s readers still have much in common with this book.
Other easy books in
"Bullseye Step into Classics"
series also can take you on a great reading trip!Look for books such as"Little Women"and "The Time Machine".Read them all!They are great for beginners in English.

bullseye 是靶心的意思 没有上下文很难理解啊
生硬的翻译就是 靶心步入经典 你最好 给一点上下文帮助理解
根据你补充后的 看 Bullseye Step into Classics 应该是一个读书或者买书的网站的名字 这句的意思应该理解为 把“靶心”理解为 重点 或目的地 这个网站是你 看书 或买书的 目的地 后面的
Step into Classics 是定语 修饰 “靶心” 整个意思为 “帮您步入经典的‘靶心/重点’"



  理想主义对社会的认知与宣扬常常导致乌托邦主义. 绝对意义上的理想主义社会是人类思想意识中最美好的社会,如同西方早期“空想社会主义”.西方一位学者提出的空想社会主义社会,美好,人人平等,没有压迫.就像世外桃源.乌托邦式的爱情也是美好至极的,体现着人类对美好事物与社会的憧憬. 乌托邦主义是理想主义社会理论的一种表达,它试图藉由将若干可欲的价值和实践呈现于一理想的国家或社会,而促成这些价值和实践.一般而言,乌托邦的作者并不认为这样的国家可能实现,至少是不可能以其被完美描绘的形态付诸实现.但是他们并非在做一项仅仅是想像或空幻的搬弄,就如乌托邦主义这个词汇的通俗用法所指的一般.如同柏拉图《理想国》(Republic)(它是最早的真正乌托邦)中所显示的,通常某目的是:藉由扩大描绘某一概念(正义或自由),以基于这种概念而建构之理想社群的形式,来展现该概念的若干根本性质.在某些其他的场合,例如摩尔(Sir Thomas More)的《乌托邦》(Utopia,1516),其目标则主要是批判和讽刺:将乌托邦中的善良人民和作者当时社会的罪恶作巧妙的对比,而藉之谴责后者.只有极少数的乌托邦作者––贝拉密(Edward Bellamy)的《回顾》(Looking Backward,1888)即是佳例––企图根据其乌托邦中所认真规划的蓝图来改造社会.就其本质而言,乌托邦的功能乃是启发性的. 直到十七世纪之前,乌托邦一般均被置于地理上遥远的国度;十六与十七世纪欧洲航海探险的发现,使人们大为熟悉这个世界,因而使此一有用的设计销声匿迹.自彼时起,乌托邦所处的空间或移到外太空(十七世纪开始有月球之旅)、或海底(像经常发现的传说中沈没於大西洋的大陆文明)、或者地壳底下的深处.然而渐渐地乌托邦就由空间的转置变成时间的转置,这一进展最初是由十七世纪的进步观念所鼓舞,之后则被李尔(Lyell)的新地质学和达尔文(Darwin)的新生物学中钜幅扩张的时间观念所鼓舞.,乌托邦不再是较好的空间,而是较好的时间.威尔斯(H.G.Wells)乘著他的时光旅行家航向数十亿年后的未来,史德普顿(Olaf Stapledon)在《人之始未》(Last & First Men,1930)中,则用二十亿年的时间比例来表示人类朝向全然乌托邦境界的攀升. 从空间到时间的转置却使理想主义社会产生某种现实化倾向.乌托邦此时被置于历史中,然而无论距离乌托邦的极致之境是何等遥远,它至少可呈现出:人类或许是无可避免地正朝向它发展的光景.十七世纪科学和技术的联结加强了这个动向,例如培根(Bacon)的《新大西洋大陆》(New Atlantis,1627)和康帕内拉(Campanella)的《太阳之都》(City of the Sun,1637)中所表现者.随著十九世纪社会主义(它本身即深具乌托邦色彩)的兴起,.乌托邦主义便逐渐变成关於社会主义之实现可能性的辩论.贝拉密以及威尔斯的乌托邦(《现代乌托邦》〔Modern Utopia,1905〕)皆是为正统社会主义辩护的有力著作;但是摩里斯(William Morris)则在《来自乌有之乡的消息》(News form Nowhere,1890)中提出了另一种吸引人的讼法.这个异种的替代说法乃因“反乌托邦”(dystopia 或 anti utopia)的发明而出现,此乃对所有乌托邦希望的逆转和猛烈的批评.这个观念由巴特勒(Samuel Butler)反达尔文主义的《鸟有之乡》(Erewhon,1872)一书所预示,而在1930和1940年代达到了顶点,尤其表现於赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)的《美丽新世界》(Brave New World,1932)和欧威尔(George Orwell)的《一九八四》(Nineteen Eighty-Four,1949)这两本书中.在这暗淡的年代理,只有史基纳(B.F.Skinner)的《桃源二村》(Walden Two,1948)维护著乌托邦的火炬使之不熄,然而仍有许多人在这个行为工程(behavioural engineering)的,乌托邦中察觉到比最黑暗的反乌托邦更可怕的梦魇.但是乌托邦主义却在1960年代强而有力地复活,例如像马孤哲(Herbert Marcuse)的《论解放》(An Essay on Liberation,1969)这样的著作;而在未来学和生态学的运动中也可见其蓬勃的生气. 或许乌托邦主义是人类情境所固有的,也许它只内在於那些受古典和基督教传统影响的文化之中;但是我们大可同意王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的话:一张没有乌托邦的世界地图是丝毫不值得一顾的.



About the Author
Enormously popular French author, the founding father of science fiction with H.G. Wells. Verne"s stories, written for adolescents as well as adults, caught the enterprising spirit of the 19th century, its uncritical fascination about scientific progress and inventions. His works were often written in the form of a travel book, which took the readers on a voyage to the moon in From the Earth to the Moon (1865) or to another direction as in A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864). Many of Verne"s ideas have been hailed as prophetic. Among his best-known books is the classic adventure story Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).
"Ah - what a journey - what a marvelous and extraordinary journey! Here we had entered the earth by one volcano, and we had come out by another. And this other was situated more than twelve hundred leagues from Sneffels, from that drear country of Iceland cast away on the confines of the earth... We had abandoned the region of eternal snows for that infinite verdure, and had left over our heads the gray fog of the icy regions to come back to the azure sky of Sicily!" (from A Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1864)
Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes. His father was a prosperous lawyer. To continue the practice, Verne moved to Paris, where he studied law. His uncle introduced him into literary circles and he started to published plays under the influence of such writers as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas (fils), whom Verne also knew personally. Verne"s one-act comedy The Broken Straws was performed in Paris when he was 22. In spite of busy writing, Verne managed to pass his law degree. During this period Verne suffered from digestive problems which then recurred at intervals through his life.
In 1854 Charles Baudelaire translated Edgar Allan Poe"s works into French. Verne became one of the most devoted admirers of the American author, and wrote his first science fiction tale, "An voyage in Balloon" (1851), under the influence of Poe. Later Verne would write a sequel to Poe"s unfinished novel, Narrative of a Gordon Pym, entitled The Sphinz of the Ice-Fileds (1897). When his career as an author progressed slowly, Verne turned to stockbroking, an occupation which he held until his successful tale Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863) in the series Voyages Extraordinaires. Verne had met in 1862 Pierre Jules Hetzel, a publisher and writer for children, who started to publish Verne"s "Extraordinary Joyrneys". This cooperation lasted until the end of Verne"s career. Hetzel had also worked with Balzac and George Sand. He read Verne"s manuscripts carefully and did not hesitate to suggest corrections. Verne"s early work, Paris in the Twentieth Century was turned down by the publisher, and it did not appear until 1997 in English.
Verne"s novels gained soon a huge popularity throughout the world. Without the education of a scientist or experiences as a traveler, Verne spent much of his time in research for his books. In the contrast of fantasy literature, exemplified by Lewis Carroll"s Alice in Wonderland (1865), Verne tried to be realistic and practical in details. When H.G. Well"s invented in The First Men in the Moon "cavourite," a substance impervious to gravity, Verne was not satisfied: "I sent my characters to the moon with gunpowder, a thing one may see every day. Where does M. Wells find his cavourite? Let him show it to me!" However, when the logic of the story contradicted contemporary scientific knowledge, Verne did not keep to the facts and probabilities too slavishly. Around the World in Eighty Days was about Philèas Fogg"s daring but realistic travel feat on a wager, based on a real journey by the US traveller George Francis Train (1829-1904). A Journey to the Centre of the Earth is vulnerable to criticism on geological grounds. The story depicted an expedition that enters in the hollow heart of the Earth. In Hector Servadac (1877) a comet takes Hector and his servant on a trip around the Solar System. In a tongue-in-cheek episode they discover a fragment of the Rock of Gibraltar, occupied by two Englishmen playing chess.
In Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Verne introduced one of the forefathers of modern superheroes, the misanthropic Captain Nemo and his elaborate submarine, Nautilus, named after Robert Fulton"s steam-powered submarine. The Mysterious Island was about industrial exploits of men stranded on an island (see: Robinsonade Daniel Defoe. In these works, filmed several times, Verne combined science and invention with fast-paced adventure. Some of Verne"s fiction has also become a fact: his submarine Nautilus predated the first successful power submarine by a quarter century, and his spaceship predicted the development a century later. The first all-electric submarine, built in 1886 by two Englishmen, was named Nautilus in honor of Verne"s vessel. The first nuclear-powered submarine, launched in 1955, was named Nautilus, too.
The film version of Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (1954), produced by Walt Disney and directed by Richard Fleischer, won an Oscar for its special effects, which included Bob Mattey"s mechanically operated giant squid. It fought with the actors in a special studio tank. Interior sets were built as closely as possible to Verne"s own descriptions of Nautilus. James Mason played Captain Nemo and Kirk Douglas was Ned Land, a lusty salor. Mike Todd"s film Around The World in 80 Days (1957) won an Academy Award as the Best Picture but it failed to gain any acting honors with its 44 cameo stars. Almost 70,000 extras was employed and the film used 8,552 animals, most of which were Rocky Mountain sheep, buffalos, and donkeys. Also four ostriches appeared.
In the first part of his career Verne expressed his technophile optimism about progress and Europe"s central role in the social and technical development of the world. What becomes of technical inventions, Verne"s imagination sometimes contradicted facts. In From Earth to the Moon a giant cannon shoots the protagonist into orbit. Any contemporary scientist could have told Verne, that the passengers would be killed by the initial acceleration. However, the idea of the space gun first appeared in print in the 18th-century. And before it, Cyrano de Bergerac wrote Voyages to the Moon and Sun (1655), and applied in one of his stories the rocket to space travel.
"It is difficult to say how seriously Verne took the idea of this mammoth cannon, because so much of the story is facetiously written... Probably he believed that if such a gun could be built, it might be capable of sending a projectile to the Moon, but it seems unlikely that he seriously imagined that any of the occupants would have survived the shock of takeoff." (Arthur C. Clarke in Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds!, 1999)
Verne"s major works were written by 1880. In later novels the author"s pessimism about the future of human civilization reflected the doom-ladden fin-de-siècle atmosphere. In his tale "The Eternal Adam" a far-future historian discovers the 20th-century civilization was overthrown by geological catalysms, and the legend of Adam and Eve becomes both true and cyclical. In Robur the Conqueror (1886) Verne predicted the birth of heavier-than-air craft, but in the sequel, Master of the World (1904), the great inventor Robur suffers from megalomania, and plays cat-and-mouse game with authorities.
Verne spent an uneventful, bourgeois life from the 1860s. He traveled with his brother Paul in 1867 to the United States, visiting the Niagara falls. When he made a boat trip around the Mediterranean, he was celebrated in Gibraltar, North Africa, and in Rome Pope Leo XIII blessed his books. In 1871 he settled in Amiens and was elected councilor in 1888. Verne survived there in 1886 a murder attempt. His paranoid nephew, Gaston, shot him in the leg and the authors was disabled for the rest of his life. Gaston never recovered his sanity.
Verne had married at age 28 Honorine de Viane, a young widow, acquiring two step-children. He lived with his family in a large provincial house and yachted occasionally. To the horror of his family, he started to admire Prince Pyotr Kropotkin (1842-1921), who devoted himself to a life as a revolutionary, and whose character possibly influenced the noble anarchist of Naufragés de Jonathan (1909). Kropotkin wrote of an anarchy based on mutual support and trust. Verne"s interest in socialistic theories was already seen in Mathias Sandorf (1885).
For over 40 years Verne published at least one book per year on a wide range subjects. Although Verne wrote about exotic places, he traveled relatively little - his only balloon flight lasted twenty-four minutes. In a letter to Hetzel he confessed: "I must be slightly off my head. I get caught up in all the extraordinary adventures of my heroes. I regret only one thing, not being able to accompany them pedibus cum jambis." Verne"s oeuvre include 65 novels, some twenty short stories and essays, thirty plays, some geographical works, and also opera librettos. Verne died in Amiens on March 24, 1905. Verne"s works have inspired a number of film makers from Georges Méliès (A Trip to the Moon, 1902) and Walt Disney (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954) to such Hollywood directors as Henry Levin (Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1959) and Irwin Allen (Five Weeks in a Balloon, 1962). Also the Italian painter Giorgio de Chiroco was interested in Verne and wrote on him in the essay "On Metaphysical Art": "But who was more gifted than he in capturing the metaphysical element of a city like London, with its houses, streets, clubs, squares and open spaces; the ghostliness of a Sunday afternoon in London, the melancholy of a man, a real walking phantom, as Phineas Fogg appears in Around the World in Eighty Days? The work of Jules Verne is full of these joyous and most consoling moments; I still remember the description of the departure of a steamship from Liverpool in his novel The Floating City."